Oscar et Ludy Emboaba

Rencontrez Ludmila Emboaba aussi connu comme Ludy Emboaba, elle est la dame chance marié à joueur de football brésilien Oscar dos Santos Emboaba Júnior connu comme Oscar qui est le nouveau modèle de rayons pour Calvin Klein sous-vêtements. Oscar, le jeune milieu de terrain brésilien jouant actuellement pour Chelsea exhibe son corps incroyable pour des sous-vêtements la campagne publicitaire des derniers CK hommes, à coup sûr ses fans féminines pense que sa femme Ludy est une dame extrêmement chanceux, il est un gars chanceux aussi, Ludmila est magnifique !! - Voir plus

Ludmila Emboaba and Ludy is of Japanese descent, she has known her husband since they were children, this stunning 23-year-old soccer wag was born on May 11, 1991 in Brazil. She got married to Oscar in December, 2011

Meet Ludmila Emboaba also known as Ludy Emboaba, she is the lucky lady married to Brazilian soccer player Oscar dos Santos Emboaba Júnior known just as Oscar who  is the new spokes model for Calvin Klein underwear.
Oscar, the young Brazilian midfielder currently playing for Chelsea is showing off his amazing body for the latest CK Men’s underwear ad campaign, for sure his female fans thinks his wife Ludy is an extremely lucky lady, he is a lucky guy too, Ludmila is stunning!!
- See more at: http://fabwags.com/ludmila-ludy-emboaba-brazilian-soccer-player-oscars-wife#sthash.8UiUQOtK.dpuf